Friday, February 19, 2010


So, I've been a big slacker. I don't know how long it's been since I posted. So, I am thankful for going to the temple. I was able to go with Jake to a session last night, and it's been way to long. There's such a peace that you feel there that you don't feel any where else! I long to be at the temple, but I don't know when we can get a babysitter again and go to the temple. I have a hard time paying a babysitter when we go to the temple.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A catch up

So, I will try to catch up, but unfortunately I'm not sure what I was thankful for some days. I really need to remember to do this every day.
January 16 through 18 - I'm very grateful for 4 day weekends. With the Martin Luther King Day holiday both my husband had Monday off and my son had Monday off from school. We were able to enjoy each others company and see Planet 51.
January 19 - I'm grateful for the mutual program for our youth in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have the opportunity every other Tuesday to attend, and I get to know the girls I teach better.
January 20 - I'm grateful for Parker's dance class. This day Parker and I were clashing pretty big. Timmy and I dropped him off at his dance class and did some errands particulary going to Chick-fil-A and getting a milkshake which I was grateful for.
January 21 - I don't know what I was thankful for this day. Probably my baby Timmy's smile!
January 22 - Parker brought home his 2nd report card and he is doing wonderfully. So, I'm thankful that he is starting to do better in the classroom setting, and that he enjoys school!
January 23 - I'm grateful that Parker has a good friend that he could go to Chuck-E-Cheese with. He had a great time there, and he was able to go without my husband or I. Also, I am thankful for waxing. I have the worst time keeping my eyebrows and mustache under control, and so I went and had them waxed.
January 24- I'm grateful for the sacrifices that my parents made while I was growing up for my family and I to have a good life. That was the lesson material today in Young Women's and my friend taught such a great lesson!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


January 15 - I'm thankful for Bunco! I was able to go to Bunco with some of my friends from the spouses group I am a part of. It was so much fun, a lot of great food, and a lot of laughter! I loved it!

January 16 - I'm thankful for basketball! I love basketball and have always loved basketball. Today was Parker's first day of basketball, and he had so much fun! There are parts that I need to work on with him, especially shooting and dribbling.

January 17 - I'm thankful for my husband taking the boys on a walk! I have been fighting a headache lately, and he took the boys on a walk.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Late again with Thankfulness

So, I'm late again for my thankfulness. Where to start!

January 12- I guess I should be grateful for great friends who are doctors. This day I took Timmy in for his hearing test, and yet again he has fluid in his ears. The audiologist is one of our good friends and I am his wife's Visiting Teacher. We are lucky to have great friends who do such things. He was so nice to Timmy and involved Timmy in everything. He referred Timmy to the ENT, which he has an appt on Feb 4. I'm sure that he will need tubes in his ears, but good thing for modern day medicine!

January 13 - I am grateful for modern day allergy medicine! This day I took Parker to see another one of our doctor friends, an allergist. Parker has been suffering with really bad allergies, and we wanted to get him tested so that we would know what was causing it. He is allergic to Mountain Cedar which is in full pollination right now. No wonder he's miserable. Our doctor friend has him on Allegra, Flonase, and a prescription eye drop. We are very blessed. I don't know how our Pioneer ancestors did it on the plains if they had allergies.

January 14- I am grateful that I know how to play the piano. I go to that as a solice sometimes when my boys are just out of control. It's very soothing to me!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11

I am behind by 3 posts. So here it goes.

January 8 - I am thankful that we are able to enjoy a sit down dinner and not have to make it or clean up. We went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and it was pretty good.

January 9 - I am grateful for DS's dance teacher, Ms. Megan. DS has been in tap dance for the past fall, and he loves it. He was the only boy in his class, but it was fun to see what his part was in the dance. Very cute and very fun!

January 10- I am grateful for Stake Conference. Although I really didn't want to fight with the boys to be good, it was really good. The main message was Rescuing the one. I hope that I can help in that effort especially with one of my Mia Maids that doesn't come regularly.

January 11- I am grateful for friends that will cover for me when I'm not feeling up to going to music class. This morning I woke up with a headache, and actually I still have the headache. Timmy was also still pretty tired when he woke up this morning so we both took a nap this morning while Parker was at school.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7

Today I am thankful for my dear husband. Last night lovely Aunt Flo decided to come for the monthly visit at 2am. I was up for about 2 hours trying to fight off the pain. I even ended up in the bath for an hour it was that bad. I asked my DH at about 3:30 if he wouldn't mind helping me in the morning getting our son to school, and luckily his job allows for him to do that. He didn't go in until 11:15 or so. It was so nice to be able to sleep for longer and feel a little bit better, although I'm not feeling better right now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Calling

In my church, I have the wonderful opportunity to work with the Young Women. It is so fun to see what their personalities are and how they have so much fun! Tonight the leaders (8 of us) discussed the needs and the schedule that is coming up for the next 3 months, and we what we are doing. The leaders are such a fun group and it is great that all of our heads can come together as one and accomplish a lot. I'm grateful for my calling and that I get to teach the girls the gospel. It's such a testimony builder, even though I don't like to teach.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today I am thankful for doctors. I have a wonderful opportunity to know several doctors on a friend basis. About half of our ward is either medical residents or staff doctors. This past weekend, my DS came down with some severe allergies, and I have been concerned. On Sunday, I talked to one of the allergy fellows that is in our ward about it and to see if he could get him in to get tested. Today he called me and scheduled an appointment for next Wednesday to get DS tested and for the doctor's appointment. If I hadn't known him, I would have had to wait probably 3 to 4 weeks for my DS to be tested. We would've had to go through Pediatrics, then referred to the allergy clinic which we would've had to wait for the appointment makers to call us which could take up to a week, to schedule it. Luckily, I know this doctor, and we could get Parker in pretty quick. I've also had instances where we needed a medicine filled, and we've called up a friend and they refilled it. Had a friend look at something, told me what it was, ordered the prescription, and wadda bing we had the medicine all within a day. I love knowing doctors!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Thankful for School

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."- Oprah Winfrey

I am thankful today for the first day of school for my son. I am thankful that he has such a fun time there learning about the letters in the alphabet and doing crafts. He is so happy when he gets home from school, which makes my life a whole lot easier!

Thankful Sunday

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues." - Cicero

Sunday, I forgot to write on this blog, but I am thankful for the wonderful apostle, M. Russel Ballard that lives today. I was given his book Daughters of God. It is such a fantastic book to read, and I'm grateful for the messages that are in there. I have been trying to be a better mom to my sons and a better wife to my husband. I read somethings in this book that really helped me and have answer my prayers. I would suggest all women read it as we truly are daughters of our God!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2

Today I am thankful for medicine. My son has been suffering from some bad allergies and they started two days ago. Without medicine, he would still have really red eyes, a stuffed up runny nose, and sneezing a whole lot. Although this means that we have to change our plans for today, I love my son so much that I'm just glad he is getting better. It's so hard to see your son in so much suffering. I am at the belief that modern day medicine was created so that we don't have to suffer and that it helps us get better. I only hope that my DS gets feeling better before Monday when he goes back to school.

A New Year

I have a wonderful friend whom I have met through an online group a few years back. She has made a challenge for all of her friends to blog everyday about what you are thankful for. I have decided to take this challenge because it's such a great idea. I try to look on the positive of life, but I'm not the best at it. It will fun to look back at what I am thankful for in a year. So, here goes my journey.

Although, I am late on my first blog entry, I am thankful for a wonderful husband who took our boys to the store so that I could get dinner made. Even though the kids were having a hard time at the store because he was late, he continued to get everything he needed at the store. While he was gone, I was able to get dinner made, set the table, and even clean up a bit. That was wonderful!